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 'Caped Political Crusader' - Pencil Sketch- Copyright 2016, Jephyr (Jeff Curtis), All Rights Reserved

2016 Sketchbook Drawing: "Caped Political Crusader"

My sketchbooks become a sort of diary of my life—
and I often include notes about where I was while drawing,
who I met or was with me, and other notes of interest.

It makes going back through them like a trip down
"Memory Lane."

That's the case with this sketch:

During the run-up to the 2016 election—when everything was
getting very heated—an artist friend and I would meet to draw
and our conversations often turned to candidates and politics.

As I sat working on this—we talked about the DNC's under-handed
tactics to insure that Bernie Sanders would not be their nominee.

We'd also discussed Hillary Clinton's many health woes.

Two examples: At that time she was choking/coughing her way
through many campaign speeches and interviews—and was
recorded nearly passing out—and had to be literally dragged into
a waiting van—leaving one of her shoes behind on the street.

I wondered aloud if the Democrats would eventually be
forced to put Sanders back on their ticket.

With all sincerity, my friend said the line seen at the top of this image.

Once it hit us what he said—we both laughed our heads off—and I
immediately immortalized his statement on this sketch.☺


Image: Copyright 2016, Jeff Curtis (Jephyr)
All Rights Reserved